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Integrated Strategist
面议 北京顺义区 应届毕业生 学历不限
北京笔克联动咨询有限公司 2024-09-22 00:52:24
Integrated Strategist
面议 北京顺义区 应届毕业生 学历不限
北京笔克联动咨询有限公司 2024-09-22 00:52:24


1. 整合策略岗,以深度调研及策略思维理解所服务客户的行业及业务发展情况,通过对项目商业模式的顶层设计或品牌营销系统规划,与团队共同攻克新行业、新项目客户。

2. 根据任务,进行指定行业、市场及业务调研相关工作,并基于调研目的和阶段性需求,制作成所需形式文档或文件进行报告分析。

3. 定期主动挖掘并探索新业务机会及行业发展机会。

4. 进行政策及政府工作报告研究及学习,根据要求定期提炼整理相关文件信息。

5. 进行月度或季度行业案例梳理及市场研究,并形成案例报告。

Main Responsibilities:

1. Integrated strategic position, understood the industry and business
development of the clients with in-depth research and strategic thinking, and
conquered new industries and new project customers together with the team
through top-level design of the project business model or brand development
design or integrated marketing planning.

2. According to the task, carry out the research related to the designated
industry, market, and business sectors, and prepare the required form documents or presentations for analysis report based on different purpose and stage needs.

3. Actively explore new business opportunities and industry development
opportunities on a regular basis.

4. Conduct research and study on policies and government work reports,
regularly extract and sort out relevant documents and information as required.

5. Conduct monthly or quarterly industry case review and market research, and
form case reports.


1. 逻辑思维能力强,具有开放思维及好奇心,对新鲜事物有高度敏感度,具有跨学科学习能力,并愿意保持持续学习状态。

2. 至少3年及以上咨询、市场调研或策划类工作经验,具有较为成熟的独立调研及分析能力及商业思维,知名咨询公司、市场研究机构或市场营销机构从业经验优先。

3. 本科以上学历,专业为金融、市场营销、广告、新闻、商品企划等专业优先,硕士或有留学背景择优考虑。

4. 熟练使用office软件,需非常擅长制作keynote及PPT.

5. 具有创意性思维或数据分析理解能力者均优先。

6. 具有良好的审美能力和表达能力者优先。

7. 可以进行英文阅读及书写,具有双语工作能力优先。

Job Requirements:

1. Strong logical thinking ability, have curiosity and an open mind with high sensitivity to new things, are good at interdisciplinary learning and willing to keep

2. At least 3 years working experience in consulting, market research or planning. Have mature research and analysis skills with good sense of understanding business. Experience in well-known consulting companies, market research institutions or marketing agencies is preferred.

3. Bachelor’s degree or above, major in finance, marketing, advertising, journalism, product planning and other majors is preferred, master's or overseas study background is preferred.

4. Proficient in office software, be good at making keynote and PPT presentations.

5. Creative thinking or data analysis and understanding skills are preferred.

6. Good aesthetic ability and expression skills are preferred.

7. Can read and write in English, bilingual working ability is preferred.
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