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Advanced Specialist HV Battery Validation
面议 沈阳铁西区 应届毕业生 本科
华晨宝马汽车有限公司 2024-10-21 11:51:05
Advanced Specialist HV Battery Validation
面议 沈阳铁西区 应届毕业生 本科
华晨宝马汽车有限公司 2024-10-21 11:51:05

Holder of this position is responsible for the specific CoC validation on cell, module and pack level according to legal and internal requirements for buy and make projects in close cooperation with suppliers, internal partners and BMW AG.

Key Responsibilities

Ensure the validation CoC competency is fulfilled. He/She should fully understand the requirements, standards and test specifications and he/she can steer the validation test accordingly

Plan resources of external labs and measurement equipment (inc. selection and further development) which are capable to deliver according to project plan

Review requirement and propose the test case to cover the requirement or propose the argument to reject the requirement. Based on the requirement to create the test specification and clarify the parameters for each projects

Support the validation manager for the change evaluation. Deliver the proposal for the test item for the technical changes

Ensure all up to date test documentation is available for the responsible test engineer/test lab/ post analysis. Ensure validation reports with clear conclusions are created and made available for review. Update validation status in JIRA/C-place. He/She need to regular exchange with BMW CoC counterpart and work closely with validation engineer for the testing dat and detailed measurement

Pro-actively seek out solutions to problems and use BBA resources to find unavailable information (e.g. new project specs, simulation results, etc)

Clearly communicate technical issues (from test lab or wherever) to lead CoC for further internal analysis, before validation report is released. This request the relative information is ready and pre-analysis is done

Continuously improving the specific CoC validation efficiency and effectiveness (e.g. Process, tooling, measurement and test concept). He/She would deep investigate the specific CoC details and deliver change proposal

3. Scope of Communication / Negotiation


? Bachelor, Master or PhD degree in electrical engineering, electrical power engineering, mechanical engineering, software engineering or related majors

? Understanding of architectures and components in hybrid and electric vehicles

? HV battery management systems and functions

? Understanding of HV battery electric /thermal/ mechanical behavior at cell and pack level

? Test data management and analysis tools

? knowledge in measurement and CAN communication tools (INCA, CANalyzer,…)

? Good knowledge in HV system relative standards ISO, VDA, GB/T, ECE, GS, DIN, etc

? Good knowledge in Microsoft office

? Strong project management and planning skills

? Self-responsible and reliable working attitude even under pressure

? Analytic skills and structured working methods

? Languages skills: German and English business fluent. Basic knowledge in Chinese preferable

? Very good communication skills and ability to stand your ground in difficult situations

? Willingness to frequent travelling inside China and extended trips to Munich (2 to 12 weeks)

? Excitement for new energy vehicles and testing operations


? Working experience as engineer in software development, function development, E/E integration, HVB or vehicle validation or calibration 4-6 Years

? Working experience in the automotive development for powertrain or vehicle electronics 1-3 Years

? Working experiences with control unit, bus communication and vehicle functional structure 1-3 Years

? Working experiences with high voltage systems like HV batteries and E-motors, electric energy converters and bus communication 1-3 Years

? Optional international experience based on working overseas incl. frequent business trips 1-3 Years
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