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面议 无锡新吴区 应届毕业生 学历不限
卡特彼勒技术研发(中国)有限公司 2024-09-16 17:09:57
面议 无锡新吴区 应届毕业生 学历不限
卡特彼勒技术研发(中国)有限公司 2024-09-16 17:09:57
JOB PURPOSE: To perform conventional, less complex Environmental, Health and/or Safety (EHS) assignments where building a working knowledge of Caterpillar and the products, technologies, processes, services and systems related to specific job assignments is expected. JOB DUTIES: The key role of this second level EHS position is to move from learning and assisting others to learning to contribute independently. EHS Senior Associates are expected to be familiar with the company’s processes and methodologies. Decisions on routine, limited risk issues that may affect the facility may be made by this position. Challenges include meeting expectations in delivering results, learning to consider alternative courses of actions, making timely decisions and developing communication skills.Individuals in this position might expect to have several assignments allowing them to gain experience in multiple EHS functions. They will be expected to apply theory and concept in the assigned area. EHS Senior Associates must build an understanding of how and why decisions are made within their work group and organization. They may be responsible for applying those decisions to design, development or maintenance of a process, analysis of data or test results, application of a system, etc.EHS Senior Associates must manage their own development, continuously learning through experience and staying abreast of technology and regulatory changes. Key learning comes from gaining experience in product, process and systems definition, selecting the most appropriate tools and techniques for a project and collaborating with people who work outside of EHS as well as technical communication and documentation.Performs structured assignments that require some interpretation of data and regulations, identification of problem sources and possible remedial actions.REPRESENTATIVE ACTIVIES:This role is going to support current and new business in a safe and compliance manner, spend 90% time work on site to build a new EHS cooperation mode of proactive service with lab business as well as satellited labs and NTI testing project in other facilities, focus on site EHS affairs support, consulting and guidance as professional EHS expert, work close to lab and engineering team to better understanding business needs and transformation of EHS work as reliable
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